Photo: © Dr. Volker Brinkmann,
MPI for Infection Biology


Salmonella typhi

Also known as

Typhoid fever, enteric fever


  • rod-shaped bacterium with few distinguishing marks

(Not) Wanted for

causing typhoid fever, which each year kills about 600,000 people and sickens about 21.5 million.

Modus operandi

  • sneaks unnoticed into its victim through contaminated water or food
  • causes high fever, stomach pains, diarrhoea, headache, and (sometimes) rose-coloured spots
  • if no action taken against infection, will linger for weeks or even months and kill about one in every five persons affected
  • in about 5% of survivors, may remain hidden after symptoms disappear, creating carriers who help spread the disease unknowingly

Preferred hideouts

  • human bloodstream and intestines

Preferred means of travel

  • at first, human faeces, then primarily water
  • may also use food, dirty hands, and insects


  • one of the Salmonella crime family
  • close relatives known to be responsible for paratyphoid and outbreaks of many food-borne illness (Salmonella food poisoning)

Area of operation

  • prefers areas lacking good water-treatment and sewage-disposal systems

Learn about other pathogens on the Most (Not) Wanted list...

Escherichia coli
Campylobacter jejuni
Giardia lamblia
Vibrio cholerae