
Over the years many efforts have been made to stop the spread of tuberculosis. From legislation banning spitting in public, to the development of vaccinations, to public screening programs, preventative efforts have sought to inform people about the disease and to stop the spread of the disease.

Seal Campaigns

Holiday Seal campaigns are an international phenomena that was begun in Denmark in 1903. There, a postmaster came up with the idea of selling stamps with the proceeds going directly to help children with TB. This initial campaign was such a success that by 1908 the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis ran its own campaigns in Toronto and Hamilton with funds going to support local sanatoria. In 1927 the Christmas Seals campaign was run across the country, and has been an annual fundraising staple for the organization, now the Canadian Lung Association, ever since. Funds have been used over the years to acquire diagnostic equipment, such as x-ray machines, and to support research.

Explore the picture gallery to learn more about this preventative measure.